Marriage in trouble


My husband and i have been together for 7yrs and married for 4yrs we have a child together and one on the way. I have known him since middle school though, we weren’t friends but we knew of each other. Anyway, we started our relationship on a long distance relationship he has been married before and i have too and i have a beautiful daughter from my previous marriage. When we first started talking we connected because we had the same goals and plans and i told him my expectations in a marriage the second time around we both agreed on an open honest relationship and to make divorce not an option .On one of my visits to see him i had a night where something was telling me to look at his phone and I found out he was talking to his ex, trying to get back with her, i was ready to leave but he begged pleaded cried and his whole family called and begged me on his behalf, saying I was the best thing that happened to him, my brother and sister in-law even got involved because we were engaged at this point they all convinced me to give him a chance so I did . Well he relocated to be with me and it was quite an adjustment but we hustled together and set up a great situation for ourselves, he supported me through nursing school and before that I supported us by working overtime as a cna before he found a job . So started off well we had our challenges but we worked through them. One of the biggest issues i had with him was him being secretive with his phone he would aways Keep his phone hidden and next to him at all times while i had my phone completely accessible. I told him that bothered me and that he is giving me a reason to be uncomfortable we even talked to a premarital counselor and he assured me its just chatting with his guys. Anyway fast forward after we got married and I got pregnant. I had a complicated pregnancy so i cut down my Work tremendously and i just wanted to be with him and make love but he was having erectile issues which was odd cuz that had never been a problem before it was a very difficult time for me . He started sleeping in the guest room with the excuse he doesn’t want to disturb me when he was leaving for work knowing very well i can sleep through anything and i was sooo hurt but i just tried to focus on getting to the end of my pregnancy. Fast forward a whole year later one day I honestly don’t know what it was but a strong feeling told me to look at his hard drive and behold found evidence he was cheating on me (insists nothing physical happened) possible since the girl was in a different country.I was done he begged cried pleaded and all.I took our son and flew to my parents house out if state. I ignored his calls and finally he showed up and told my dad what he did and he had the nerve to blame some of it on me and that I’m bossy . Anyway my dad being a pastor and marriage counselor made him promise him that he will never ever do anything like that again. That he needs to be open and honest with me . My parents aren’t perfect but they have been married forever and have a very open relationship thats how i was raised so all I know is how to be open. For the sake of my son and my parents asking me to try I came back to the house it took a long time but I hardly wanted to look at him. We had counseling again but typical as soon as he felt things were cool counseling stopped. Fast forward he recently told me he was going to work one day on his day off then I found out he lied and flew to a different town. I asked him about it and his first instinct was to lie to me . He gave me all the proof that he went to do something for a friend but the point remains he lied and I’ve come to realize thats just him. He lies on a whim. Little unnecessary lies and all its really quiet disturbing. And I find myself now really not wanting anything to do with him. And as I explained i am very open I’m not very good at hiding my feelings. I don’t want to have sex and i just find myself generally uninterested in him. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if this is because my trust issues have turned into disgust but he has noticed that I even turn my head when he tries to kiss me, and give him my cheek. He can be very impulsive and makes decisions without thinking then changes things. He is just not consistent, doesn’t commit to anything. He has a decent job but he can do much much better and I wanted to support him the way he did for me while in nursing School. He said thats what he wanted I helped him with his application for school and all and as usual the minute he ran into a hiccup he gave up. Everything he does now just irritates me. I cant tell if this is a phase but I know it’s definitely not good cuz I have the worst poker face in the world.