Flu shot


I know there’s been some debate on the flu shot and whether it’s safe or not. As someone that’s really into medical stuff I think getting the shot is a good thing. And I think if more people got the shot then less people would be infected by the flu virus every year. I feel this way because the flu can turn deadly quickly. People who don’t have strong immune systems are the ones that suffer the most from others not getting vaccinations for example a boy from my town just died due to flu complications. He had cystic fibrosis. For those of you who don’t know cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes production of abnormally thick mucus. These mucus leads to blockages in the pancreas, intestines, and the bronchi. Because of this there are many diseases such as the flu that can be deadly for people with CF and others who do not have strong immune systems. I think it’s good for everyone to do their research on the flu shot and not from some mommy blog. And please be aware of those who may be at risk due to being around those that choose not to be vaccinated.