Giving a stranger a ride...??


My 17 month old son & I were walking out of a diner when I heard an elderly woman asking where the closest place to buy oil (for her car) was. I walked to my car, buckled up my baby. I saw nobody was helping her. I pulled up beside her & asked if she was ok. She explained she ran out of oil & didn't know what to do. I told her to hop in & id take her to get oil. After we went to buy the oil I took her back to her car & she tried to pay me $20 but I refused her money. She was so incredibly grateful for my help.

Anyways when I got home I told my 15 year old son & SO about our day. Both became immediately concerned. Saying "mom! She could have hurt you" "What if it was a trick?!".

So my question is would you have helped her? Or kept on driving past her? Her hurting me or something bad happening didn't even cross my mind.