forced against my will and scared of consequences

susy • 19 and im just a teen/adult thats nerdy and really loves tumblr


I Need help but im not sure what do or who to go to , so im posting my situation here. Im a college student , im paying college by finacial aid and some of my pocket and im alone with my boyfriend, we live paycheck to paycheck meaning any emergency expenses can really throw us off on rent/food/ etc.. I recently had a traumatic experience where someone forced me to do something i didnt want to... so i bought plan b , only to find out it doesnt work on women who are more than 175 pounds, which is a problem because im more than that amount 25 pounds or so. I keep getting mostly negative but some positive on pregnancy test , i missed my period and i dont know what to do. How do i ask a clinic for abortion pills? What if i can pay them because theyre expensive?, is there anyone who can help me financially? , i know some people are against abortion but in some cases it’s necessary when you dont want to be reminded of something that you were forced to. Please help , i meed advice.