do i have depression??

Acacia • {the girl who knows not everything is perfect}

Im aleays shutting people out and i can never seem to get to sleep at night my parents love me but every time we pass this therapist place near our house my dad says when ever you see someone from in there try to get near you there insane my kinda friend was diagnosed with depression and i think it rubbed on me sometimes i forget to drink watter and i eat my problems away im always so cautious about what i say or do near people now cause people always call me a bitch hoe slut and my dad keeps calling me a whore i always am so offened people make fun of me by hiw i dress and how i somewhat show off the bady i have and sonetimes i think about suicide but when i do think about it i think i will never do that to myself or to my family ive been gaining alot from eating and im always so sad my one friend picked up on it and now he is kinda woundering if im okay but he is sad when in sad so i just dont know and obviously if my parents find out abiut this stuff they wouldnt care or they would take away my phone no tv no friends forever they just wouldnt understand