Bulimia & PCOS

I’m 17, 5’5 and I weigh 211 pounds. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. In the past 2 years I put on 20 pounds.

I had to deal with a really big move and my boyfriend cheated on me. I started forcing myself to throw up after meals in 2016, under the stress of exams to help feel more in control. My best friend caught me but supported me to stop.

At the end of the year I moved away starting a new school in a new country. My family was having problems due to the readjustments.

Under all the stress I began to binge more unknowingly and relapsed again. When everything got better I stopped.

Now everyday I deal with people calling me fat, even members of my extended family who are seeing me for the first time.

Since my PCOS diagnosis I’m on track to lose my first 5kg.

Personally I have always been relatively comfortable in my own skin, but that confidence is knocked when people make comments.

Any advice? On diets & exercise? Or anything?