Sooo emotional and exhausted!

So I saw my Dr yesterday after getting two positive tests 😄 Yay.. but she reffered me to the pathology building to have blood work done to make sure I actually am preggers (all good). I took a half day yesterday and today to have all this done and when I rock up to the Drs again today to have my bloods done I realise I forgot my referral paper! REALLY!?!? 😭 I'm already suppppper tired because these last few days have been crazy at work and I feel terrible for taking part days and lying about what its for... and I'm just all around stressed and annoyed that I don't know if I'm pregnant and if I am I can't tell anyone (I really want to scream it to the world but hubby wants to keep it on the DL until after our first scan - which is fine but I just like to talk to people about these things)... hopefully getting bloods done tomorrow and will find out Thursday 🤞 but seriously I cried all the way from the Drs to Hubbys work because I couldnt get it done today... I'm also only 5w 4d but with these emotions feel like I'm already at the end 😭😂 anyone else?