Help (say long post)


So I'm in 7th grade and no one has rlly been out on a date with each other but has been asked out. My friend who was dating this boy I like (she didn't like him and he used to like her but not anymore ) broke up with with him like a few weeks ago so now he is single. Also like literally all of my friends know I like him even his "ex girlfriend " but I deny it so... He also thinks I like him but I still deny it. He also has/had a nickname for me called "medium" bc of my boob size and he knows I have started my period so. Whenever I see him in the hall he just ignores me and acts like he doesn't see me but ik he does. Also I have absolutely no classes with him and in one of my class is right across the hall from his class and where he sits in his class he can look right into my class and where my seat is I can look into his class and see him and he can see me . I feel like he was looking at me today but I don't think he likes me. Anyway, my one friend keeps on teasing me on how the boy is my "Bæ, boyfriend etc..." what should I do??!!