Welcome, my flower.


At 40 weeks and 5 days I went into the hospital to be induced. I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and she was at a -2 stage. The doctor broke my water at 7 am and they started pitocin by 7:15 am. At 11 am I was only 1.5 cm dilated, 2 pm 3 cm dilated. I was bouncing on a yoga ball and practicing different breathing techniques through the contractions. At almost 5 pm I was 4 cm, 90% effaced, and she was at stage 0. The most narrowest part of the hips, and I felt it. It felt like she was never going to come. My pitocin contractions were painful but still manageable. I had been worried about pitocin contractions because I had always heard and read how painful they are. I was at a 32 for pitocin already and the nurse had to bump it down to a 30 because my contractions were too back to back. Suddenly at 5:45 pm something switched in me. I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I started crying during a contraction and saying I needed the epidural. My plan from the beginning had been to go without an epidural regardless of the fact that I was being induced. I asked the nurse to check me and told her if I was at a 7 or higher I wouldn’t get the epidural since that would be transition phase and the shortest, but if I was anything less I wanted the epidural. She checked me and I was at a 6.5/7. I said I’d try to keep going, and while she was asking me if I was sure I had another contraction and started yelling that I needed to poop right now! Another nurse ran in and started coaching me through my breathing, because let me tell you I was freaking out. The contractions were horribly painful and I felt like I was having a bowel movement. The nurses called the doctor and I was so confused what was going on because there was no way I could start pushing at barely 7 cm. No. I had another contraction and she started crowning. 4 pushes later and she was out! Meet Lillie Elizabeth Jeanette born February 13th, 2018 at 6:18 pm. 7 lbs 2 oz & 20 in. 💖 Squishy girl came out angry as ever and hungry as her mama. Looks just like her big brother except with daddy’s nose! Also, I didn’t have a crazy amount of heartburn, but LOOK AT THAT HAIR. 😍 That was the craziest experience ever, but I’m so glad I did it.