Camper life.

Long story short...

Me and my husband are currently in the process of selling our home to build a larger one.

We also are tying to get pregnant.

When our house sells we are going to be moving into my in laws large camper on their lot.

We plan on being there roughly 1 year (to save money mortgage free) and then build our home on our land we previously purchased.

Building our new home may take roughly 6 mos-1 yr our contractor has informed us.

So we may be in the camper for two years. Give or take a little.

Has anyone had experience living in a camper pregnant/with a newborn like this??? We will have full access to my in laws home (laundry, cooking larger meals, our dogs will be staying there during he day)

Advise please, and please no comments saying we should not be trying to get pregnant.

Sorry if I posted in the wrong place.