Nicole • Married 💏 10/29/17 Mommy to G 4/29/15 💙 A 7/5/18 💜

ok I'm sure I'm going to get some backlash over this. and I understand. we had our US this morning and in my heart I thought boy but my gut kept telling me girl. and hubby and I both agreed that as long as baby is healthy we were fine with either gender. we have a 2yo boy and I really wanted another boy. we'll the tec said girl and out of no where the tears started rolling. I was so upset, I've cried a handful of times. I've told myself this is God's plan and he knows what he's doing yet I still am upset. I've told a handful of people hoping their excitement will rub off on me. so my question is for those who were taken back at first how long before you got over that feeling.

and I know I'm very lucky and blessed to be pregnant.