On the night of our sons 2nd birthday, February 11th 2018 my husband we’re laying in bed with our so...

On the night of our sons 2nd birthday, February 11th 2018 my husband we’re laying in bed with our son getting ready to put him to bed and my water broke (just like the movies, for the second time!!!! It broke at 36w6 with my son as well) at 37w3d. I am so incredibly thankful as I was very much over the pain of the end of pregnancy was giving me. Our beautiful, healthy as can be, baby GIRL was born at 11:13pm that night. I arrived at the hospital around 8:50pm and started contracting crazy. I went from a 0 to a 5 1/2 80% effaced in 45 mind. My daughter had been breech since before 30 weeks. The whole thing went so fast. I was wheeled into the OR at 11pm and she was born and I was stitched up after c section by 11:20pm. I’m in a lot of pain but my god she is so worth it. I’m in complete awe of her and her big brother and her daddy. Our family is finally complete and I couldn’t be more thankful and proud!