Welcome to the world miss Kensington Aoife Combs

Welcome to the world miss Kensington Aoife Combs!!!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’– born at 38 weeks, 4 days after my water broke at home installing her carseat in the car(I guess she knew it was time to make an appearance after that was in place).. she made her grand entry at 9:16pm weighing in at 8 lb 6 oz, and was 20.5" long. The actual labor was super easy, even though I had some complications due to the epidural and my blood pressure dropping to 76/28 and needing 4 rounds of ephedrine to bring it back to a safe range. Those epi shakes are no fun.. other than that, I only pushed THREE TIMES.. and daddy placed his hands under her arms and physically pulled her out with the doctors help. We are so blessed with this sweet angel and ecstatic to add a third munchkin to our pack!!