in-laws from HELL!!


So me and my husband have been married for 2 years. We have been trying for a baby for over a year now. I am 18 weeks pregnant. We had a miscarriage last year around 9 weeks. His family has the balls to say I deserved it and he is lucky he wont be stuck with child support. This pregnancy they have acted all nice but completely ran me down to their friends and on social media saying whores should not have kids. They got the idea that I'm a whore from their daughter, my husbands older sister because she assumed I slept with her man since I fell asleep on the couch when we stayed the night and he came to wake me up so I could go lay down in the bed with my husband who had just got home from work. Now his sister has started to pretend to be pregnant, how do I know? she stole the pictures of my pee test off facebook and sent them to everyone saying she was pregnant. She has not been to a doctor and can not decide what her due date is or how far along she is. And of course my MIL expects me to apologize for something I never did. When I annoumced my pregnancy his sister had the balls to ask me "how long will you carry this child before you kill it too" which of course my MIL claims she never would have said if I didnt make her mad somehow. BS. I am stuck playing nice so my husband can have his family around but my god these "god fearing christian" people sure know how to be assholes and tear people down. we didnt invite them to our wedding because they had tried to split us up while we were engaged. they even went as far as to set my husband up on blind dates without his knowledge. And now they expect me to change my baby shower date so it suits them and they are also making demands about how I have MY child. I'm fed up but cant say it to them because it would break my husbands heart.