So this is my delivery story

So this is my delivery story... on Wednesday Feb 14th I was scheduled to get induced at 7am. I got there at 6am, they had me take a bath then they got me started on pit. I was doing good contracting and dilated up to 3. Once night time hit they for some reason restarted the whole thing to A 1 when I was already at a 26 (level of meds) so my contractions stopped and it sucked. All night I didn't contract or dilate. When morning hit around 7, Dr checked me and said if I didn't dilate more I'd get sent home and rescheduled to get induced because baby has kind of high and my body had gotten used to pit. I got upset and sat there and cried when I suddenly felt a pop.. but nothing leaked out so I was like nope false alarm. I told my husband and he brushed it off as I had had this happen before. Next thing you know I told him I had to pee, I sat up and got the worst pain ever and pressure in my behind, my nurse was walking in and I felt a huge gush!! I felt embarrassed and told the nurse I think I peed myself lmao.she was like no I don't think that was pee she came and looked and said that's your water lol. So she checked dilation and I was at a 3 1/2 .. I waited like 2 hrs Dr came and checked me and I was at a 5. I asked for the epidural and May be 2 hrs later I was at an 8, I waited 20 mins for my Dr to come from his office , and by this time the epidural was wearing off I was feeling those last contractions and he checked me and said she's not at an 8 she's ready to push!! Lol and within 3 pushes my babygirl was out, the beautiful Chloe Isabella cooper 🌸💕