Pregnancy issues

So I keep having the crazy feeling in my body telling me my baby will be coming early. I know I know it’s crazy!! With my daughter I had such a easy going pregnancy no morning sickness no pains no feelings and I didn’t show until my last month of pregnancy with her she is now 8. However after her I went through three miscarriages then couldn’t get pregnant so needless to say I meet my wife we got married decided we want to try for a baby and BAM I got pregnant the first try however since getting pregnant I been in and out of the hospital so many time for fainting, pains,bleeding, falling because i lose my balance I’m always shaky,I wake up in the middle of the night with my heart beating fast, non stop sweaty, I have the worst trouble sleeping right now I’m not allowed to work because I been fainting too much, so home rest is what they have me doing and Well I stand at 19 1-2 weeks and I just keep having this feeling that this lil baby is going to be coming early. I know every pregnancy is different because I have tons of friends who had more then one kid and I been pregnant. I just can’t shake this feeling out of my body though. Does anyone else feel the same way? I told my dr this and he agree there a chance this one is coming early too.