Is labour more painful when induced?

**Sorry for my grammar, English is not my first language**

Hello Ladies,

I had my first baby at 41w + 5d. I was not even 1 cm dialated so I had to get a baloon to get me to 3-4 cm, that was sooo painful!

Next day I came back to the hospital at 9 in the morning. and thankfully I was dialated. Then they put an IV on me and the contractions started. I could not handle the pain and sitting made it a bit less painful. But when the dr came back at 1pm I was only at 5cm. I wanted to cry my eyes out.

My mother told me to lay down coz it would speed up the process. And she was so right. The contractions became unberable, so I asked for an epidural. It didn’t really work for me. Finally after 9 hours of intense pain my babygirl came at 6pm. The pushing part was only 14 minutes! (THank God)

Anyways I’m terrified of contractions and I wonder if it’s always that painful? Or did the induction made it worse?

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