So I start having contractions Thursday night , all night I could not sleep

So I start having contractions Thursday night , all night I could not sleep. I was up all night just walking trying to walk the pain off. Friday morning I ended up seeing my mucous plug come down it was a little pink ish. I thought I was bleeding but my aunt said it was the plug coming out. So I still was having the contractions I got dress tried to sleep em off that did not work at alll!!! So we left the house as if it was a regular day and we’re riding around all of a sudden I feel like I peeing on my self every time I lift my leg up. It’s crazy because I was going to the bathroom and that happened. So we figured out my water broke so we left the church we as at and headed right to the hospital. Of course I’m emotional I start crying cause once my aunt told the nurse I was in labor a bunch of other nurse came down to help me. So the receptionist kept looking at me like I was suppose to be a certain way since my aunt told her I was in labor. I was as calm as I could be . So they put me on the monitors checked my cervix and told me I was dialated 3 to 4 cm. So they kept me of course asked me what kind of pain medicine I wanted of course I said The epidural.  So make a long story short you know the procedure of getting that medication when I woke up I was 10 cm and ready to go. I was in labor for a hour pushing out my new baby girl Madison Aliyah ❤️❤️❤️ She Was 6pounds,9 ounces 20 inches . Beautiful and Healthy!! I’m so happy and thank god she didn’t tear me up!