Why me


I found out the news I never wanted to hear

Imagine this is you

You got bullied in your old school and you then had to move school had a great group of friends you grew closer to two of them an we lived in the same town we saw each other everyday but then we fell out for months then our parents got involved it was the holidays I had plans to go camping. With one of them but the night before I found out I had to be taken away from them there parents didn't like me. I cried for a least a week and to and insult to injury I broke my finger so you became distance to everyone fell out with everyone except one person he ended up becoming your boyfriend but we broke up a month later and then you just didn't feel happy anymore cried lots didn't have anyone to turn too you didn't want to talk about it to your parents. Then you got bullied again but this time worse they used harsher words tripped you up more, pushed you and you were alone. and wanted to die

1 month later

You found a group which are now your best friends you see each other on school days but not much more out of school but then I had come to a week before your birthday and your best friend dropped a bombshell she is moving across the world as soon as the house sells. You cried and can't stop crying and its your birthday tomorrow.

I thought we would be friends for life

( I live in Scotland and she is moving to Australia) but now I struggle not to cry right infornt of her and I don't know what do

Please ignore bad spelling and grammar