sleep deprived


hi everyon, my baby boy just turned 6 months old! my baby is strictly breast fed. hes been on the boob since day 1. he has refused to accept any bottle, i have tried 6 different brands 😩 .. now ive given up hope on him using a bottle but he has also not slept through the night. he sleeps 2 hours, wakes to feed, then up again in 2 hours, and we repeat all night long. sometimes he sleeps only 1 hour.. now im not sure if i try to switch to a bottle with formula in it, how he Will take it... any advice on this would be much appreciated. i am a new mommy. and for some reason i feel like the formula will help him sleep longer. ive also been giving him cereal before bed to keep his tummy fuller, but ive had no luck. i just need sleep.