My son doesn’t want milk anymore


My son just turned 9 months and just popped his first tooth the other day. For a week now, feeding him breastmilk, nursing, or giving him formula has been hell. He fights it. Squirms. Will pull on my nipple, unless it’s in the middle of the night and he’s comfort nursing. He has only had maybe 8-10 oz of milk today. That’s all he would take. Even drinking that was a fight. He’s been eating puréed baby food, puffs, oatmeal, and sometimes will eat what I am eating if it’s healthy and suitable for him. He faught me on his night bottle tonight but when he saw me eating pizza his eyes were huge and he was begging for some. I didn’t give him any. I am wondering if he doesn’t want milk anymore because he would rather adult food, or it’s his teeth. I’ve given him infants tylenol and he still won’t take a bottle. I’ve even tried a sippy cup and no luck there. I am severely stressed and annoyed. Please tell me my child isn’t the only one that’s done this and hopefully it’s just a phase.