What is happening?


Hey, this is my first post so not sure what to expect, and I have no idea what all the lingo is so please bare with me :(

So I have PCOS and me and my husband have been trying for baby number 2 for 6 years, we were very blessed to fall pregnant the first time as we were not trying at this point.

Now my “cycle” is irregular and I can go from 3 weeks to 6 months without a period. My last period was the 19th-24th January (incredibly short for me, they usually last around 2 weeks), I had severe cramps which I never get. Anyway for the last 3 days just once or twice a day when I wipe there is a light pink discharge and yesterday this was accompanied by a few mild cramps. I have also been really tired for the past 2 days, is this anything to be hopeful about or am I just wishing?

Thanks for reading x