Filling Diva Cup Every 2 Hours


Sorry TMI

I feel like I'm going to need to set an alarm for every 2 hours.

I've emptied my diva cup every 2 to 3 hours today and it's been filled to the brim. I usually only remembered because I could feel it leaking. This period is NO joke. I wish I had poured it all into a measuring cup so I'd know but it is SO heavy. Does anyone with PCOS have extremely heavy periods? I started using my cup when I was TTC my 13 month old son. Before that I always used heavy tampons and seemed to use them quickly, but since switching to the cup it seemed like less blood. Not now. Making up for it. I've been thinking today that if I have another section with baby 2 that I'll get them to do a partial or total hysterectomy. My mom had extremely painful heavy periods her whole life and had a partial in her 40s. She said she regretted not having it done sooner. I suspect she had pcos and or endo. My sister has both. My abdominal muscles have been so sore after the intense cramping. The only other time I've experienced this is when I had my 2 chemicals. The next day it felt like I had done 1 million crunches. I am so done with this period already and it's day 2. Praying it's a "normal" 7 day one this time and not the 30 it was last cycle.