
Today was my first day in taking steps on my own I’m over 2 months. My orthopedic doctor said that in 1-2 weeks I should be walking full time and they gave me the clear to go back to school. Taking a couple steps even though it was only about 8 at the moment cause I’m still not supposed to walk on it just yet until I start therapy. Walking gave me so much hope, it was such a huge relief. Never did I think I’d be so happy over walking. I also saw my newly reconstructed ankle for the first time, 17 screws and 3 metal plates but it’s as good as new now. Also since my car was totaled in my accident I’ve been on the hunt for a new one and I finally got one today. Still can’t drive yet cause the doctors don’t want me driving for a little bit longer. But I start PT next week and I couldn’t be more thrilled. God is good.