Stay at Home Mom-Guilt

Are there any SAHMs that don’t do “household chores” EVERY day? I’m talking about any type of cleaning or “homemaker” duties. I can honestly say there are significantly more days that I just sit around and play with my son and hang out with my husband than I do spending any time cleaning. Our house isn’t disgusting, it’s not dirty or’s just lived in. When something needs to get done, it gets done. But I’ll say dishes stay in the sink for a few days sometimes. Laundry is NEVER finished. And my boys’ room hasn’t been clean in I don’t know how long lol. I have never been a pristine clean perfectionist, I’m not big on decorating or matching color scheme rooms...Its just not me. At times I will beat myself up about “not being as good of a SAHM as everyone else”..but then I consider that MAYBE there are more people out there that feel and act the exact same way and everything I see on social media is just a big fat lie. Thoughts anyone?

P.s. please no shaming..I just want to see some behind the scenes HONESTY from parents for once 😘