Bisexual woman in a straight relationship with a bisexual male


Okay it took me a while to admit I like women as well as men. In fact it was after I fell in love with the father of my children. But I guess I've always known deep down that I like both. My partner recommended recently that I join the bisexual support group he's been apart of for years. It was all going great until someone commented on one of my posts saying that none of us can be a bisexual because we're in a straight relationship. That apparently it only works if one of the people are bisexual and the other lesbian, gay or straight. According to them two people who are both bisexual can't be with one another. Before we could even remove ourselves we were banned and blocked from the group. I just want to know do we have any right to be even the slightest bit annoyed that not only were we spoken to that way but that they said what they said to us? Or are they in the right here?. Because we both like both male and female people we can't switch that off but we are in a relationship together and we do love each other. We're doing no actual mental, emotional or physical damage to ourselves or anyone else so I don't actually see what the problem is.