Everyone’s advice on my weight and pregnancy


I’m getting beyond annoyed with family members telling me I need to loose weight and eat healthy for the baby. 1) as of now I’m more concerned with the health of my baby and myself because of the fact I’m being slowly taken off opioids (i was on them for months because of an injury). And 2) is trying my best to eat healthy non processed foods however I’m having a hard time keeping my fruits and vegetables down. I don’t have an appointment with my obgyn until the 27th and that’s only for my prenatal intake, my office visit is not until mid March. What do you tell people who bring this subject up to you? (That’s even IF they do). EDIT: thank you everyone your advice makes me more confident for when the next person has something to say 🙄 I just messaged my grandma who is the main person who talks about my weight and let her know as of now I’m more focused on the babys health and making sure he or she isn’t affected by my old medications. Thank you everyone ❤️