Former Hernia repair and pregnant


Hey! I had a hernia repair with mesh on my lower right side about 14 years ago. I can’t remember if it was inguinal or femoral but it’s very low, like into my pubic hair. This is my second pregnancy. With my first, I had a little like tight stretchy feeling and slight discomfort but it didn’t bother me much and I had now issues. I’m now 32 weeks with my second and I’m a little bigger and carrying lower and I have been having some discomfort, then this morning I was laying in bed and I stretched and twisted at the same time to reach my night stand on the left and I felt this sharp intense pain like it just ripped wide open. Like it brought tears to my eyes. Now it’s kind of a dull throb and hurts if he moves over there at all. I guess I don’t really have a specific question but does anyone else have experience with pregnancy after a hernia repair and did you have any issues or any recommendations? I’m seeing my dr soon so I will bring it up then but I’m not sure I will try and get in before then, I doubt there is anything they can do anyway.