Problems with mother

My boyfriend and I recently found out that I'm pregnant. We have both decided that we're not ready for kids and decided to have an abortion. My boyfriend had been extremely supportive, as always, and has even offered to take care of me if needed. We've also decided on this because our parents do not want us to have kids until we're living together and married.

I decided to tell my mom. My mom has always told me that I can talk to her about anything and everything and that she wouldn't get mad, but she doesn't mean that at all…she always gets so angry and negative.

Ever since I told her, she's been acting like she wants nothing to do with me. She's made comments about me being irresponsible and immature. She's even gone so far as to saying that she "doesn't know why I'd go do something like that because it's not like me and my boyfriend will last"..... my boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 7 years. She's always finding some way to pick apart my relationship too.

I've come to the point where I just want to pack my stuff and move out. Her constant berating and passive aggressiveness have even made me think about never having children and never telling her anything personal ever again.

Does anyone have any advice?