Medical Abortion??

So I’m in college and I am at *most* 4 weeks pregnant. I’m going to Planned Parenthood to talk about my options, side effects and what’s the best route for me and my body today.

I decided To get an abortion (because face it it’s my decision not the father’s) and we decided to go half. Now I don’t have insurance so it is completely out of pocket. I need to know your experiences with abortions. What to expect and how

To feel. I will most likely take the medical route since I’m not that far along and it would be calming to hear people’s experiences and what was the after care. And how much it cost.

Edit: WHY After finding out that I’m pregnant everywhere I turn there’s a pregnancy video, or a pregnant person!?

(Note: Please don’t talk about keeping it and giving it for adoption I made my decision and I don’t need a person from the internet to tell me what I should do with a fetus they have no intention of taking care of or adopting themselves. Thank you)