
So I had this friend I met through my boyfriend and I got her a job at my work and we were pretty close. We hung out and we’re good friends. She started being distant and not listening to me when I would say stuff. She invited me to go to Duluth for a girl’s weekend so I went. She would snap with very rude responses when I would tell her something and she just kind of acted like her shit didn’t stink ya know?

Anyway, she has a job at my work and I am hired on and she is a temp. She has been one for about 3 months now and doesn’t have the want to learn anything new(which is how you get hired on to make more money) and is super rude when I tell her something as she was before. Anyway, she didn’t have her safety glasses on and I caught her attention and pointed to her eyes to put them on and she flat out yells at me in front of all my co-workers and says “I have a fuckin headache. Give me a minute!” (Yelling at a full-timer is a BIG no no and if the boss came around and saw her, she would get in huge trouble) It is my job to make sure temps are taking safety precautions. So, I was super pissed off and didn’t talk to her the rest of the week and totally ignored her. She tried getting everybody on her side and acted like I was the bad person. That Friday was her birthday and everybody from work went and she is just trying to get everybody on her side. Posting pictures on Facebook to make me jealous then deleting them two days after!

The weekend went on and Sunday, she snap chatted me asking if we could talk. She apologized but then she started blaming me because she feels like I think that I’m better then her... it’s like wtfffff??? And I explained to her that I was upset and I will NOT get talked to in that way towards my co-workers. And she came back with how she felt disrespected and that I wasn’t the boss so I can’t tell her what to do.. and now I am the bad person and she blocked me on Facebook.. how do ya’ll feel about what happened? I’m like in shock that she would be a backstabber and be such a bitch..... is she jealous? She did like my boyfriend at one time...