I don’t know whether to terminate my pregnancy or not


This news has come as a huge shock to me today. I’m just looking for advise/ personal experience and reassurance please.

I went to the doctors today after 2 months without a period. Iv not had one pregnancy symptom. It came back positive and she reckons I’m at 10 weeks.

I’m 24 in June, have been happy with my partner for over 2 years. Me and my bf have a good family network and secure job.

I have about £15thousand in savings behind me and I still live at home as I’m wanting to save for a house deposit.

We were planning on travelling later this year even though I enjoy my job I don’t see it as a career. My bf has been very supportive and will be behind me either way. I’m not in the worst position but I always imagined owning my own house and me being in my late 20’s. I’m not sure what i want.

Please give your honest thoughts.x

Sorry not sure which category this would be

UPDATE. Me and my partner have made the choice to continue this pregnancy. I am leaving up the question incase any other girls are thinking the same.

Thankyou all so much for your comments. X