Cluster feeding?

Lauren • 👼🏼💜👦🏼💙🌈👶🏼💙

Is it possible for my almost 3 week old to just cluster feed ALL DAY LONG?! I love BF but he literally eats all day even when he just gets done eating he’s crying and looking for food. Is something wrong with me? I BF my first for 18 months on only 1 boob with no issues but I can’t seem to fill this one up and I’m using both this time! Everyone keeps telling me it’s because he’s big (he was born at 9lbs 3oz) but that just seems silly. He’ll sleep 2 hours at a time at night and only wake up to eat and have a diaper then goes back to sleep. He pees and poops a ton so he’s definitely eating I just don’t know what else could be the issue.. 😕