Super Mom to the rescue!


Some days you feel like you got less than nothing accomplished. You feel like being a mom, partner, and individual is kicking your ass and you are losing the battle. Then a day like today comes along. I figured out how to fix the broken water heater FOR FREE, found a supplier that had the part and put it on hold for pickup. Fixed the problem with the bank. Managed to breastfeed the cranky, teething baby all morning and get him down for a nap. Then the icing on the cake... I managed to get all the jewelry for my piercings that I had to take out for my son's birth back in. It only took me 11 months. So today I feel like a Super Mom, Wife, and person... I still haven't managed to get a hot shower but I'll manage! I'm holding on to this feeling as long as humanly possible! I may also purchase a cape for my Super days so Husband can visually observe how super I am.