20 month old won't eat?


My baby girl is almost 20 months old. She still mainly drinks while milk. we are taking her to the speech therapist which also does feeding therapy to help her eat more real food. She will eat a few things, bananas, strawberries, cheese, French fries and puffs. i know thats not the healthiest diet but thats all she likes right now. She just won't try anything new and the therapist is convinced it's a food allergy. She had us cut out dairy to see if it would help, its been over a month and it hasn't. so now she had me cut out wheat for two weeks and see if that would help. I just don't think it's an allergy. I don't know. I offer her multiple different things. I give her meals with veggies or noodles or something new with a fork but she just plays with it and will not let me put anything new near her mouth.