To be induced or no?

Olivia • Mommy to a baby boy 💙

So I’m due March 8th. I’m 38 weeks today. My doctor says she will induce me at 39 weeks if I want. I’ve been in “pre labor” for days now. Contractions, cramping, ect. I’m 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. So I had no plans on inducing, but my boyfriends dad made plans to come see us after baby’s born, and booked his plane ticket to come from Arizona to visit TWO DAYS after my due date!! On top of that, my boyfriends sister and her daughter (who he hasn’t seen in 10 years) is coming to our town just one day after I’m due. My boyfriends dad is staying with us in our one bedroom apartment. I was pissed at first because I want to get comfortable and don’t want to feel on edge just days after I have my baby but it’s too late. The tickets are booked and he’s coming. Anyways, if I get induced, I can do it on March 1st. That’d give me a week to settle in at home before any visitors come. Of course I’d rather do this. Plus I have anxiety about not knowing when I’ll go into labor, so I’d love to have it planned out. But I’m hearing induction is MUCH harder than going into labor naturally? I had my membranes swept last week and plan on doing it again tomorrow but idk if it’ll work. I would hate to give birth, then have a bunch of people at my house the day I get home. Really stuck on what to do. Opinions, stories to share?