Cloth after solids?


My LO is EBF and cloth diapered (4.5 months old). I'd planned to wait until 6 months to introduce solids but our pediatrician said we could start with easy-to-digest green veggie purees at 5 months, so we're going to do that, but I had a kind of silly question: was it a big change / really gross switching from nearly-odorless EBF poop to regular poop while cloth diapering?

I'm kind of dreading it because so far diaper changes (even blowouts) have been fine because it doesn't smell and it doesn't really look like poop, but that's about to change ;)

Sorry, I know this is really shallow but I'm just curious how the transition to solids went for you guys. Were diapers harder to get clean? Did you have to change anything about your wash routine? Thanks in advance! :)