Weight gain. 7 weeks 1 day pregnant

Hey guys, so I’ve gained 2 pounds which I guess isn’t too bad. It might just be water retention or this new rack i have lol

Pre pregnancy weight was 175

I haven’t started any workout routine or walking plan since I haven’t seen a doc yet and want to make sure everything is going okay.

My plan is to continue eating as I do. I probably already consume another 300/400 calories than I should have before pregnancy but i DEFINITELY want to start working out as I’ve been living a pretty sedentary life which is why I’ve gained this weight

(I honestly don’t eat horrible I’m just the type of person that NEEDS to be active or i gain easily)

Has anyone been in my position? I’d honestly like to only gain maybe 15 pounds. I’m really short also 5’1.

Thoughts ?

Also any simple workout plans that have worked for you? I’d like to walk daily and ride some bike.