Pregnant and getting off psych meds

Amanda • 23 years old and pregnant with our rainbow 🌈 👶🏽

SO I have had anxiety and depression issues through most of my life. I’ve been on 4-5 different meds and have been on Lexapro since July 2017. My dr knew I was planning on getting pregnant and put me on it and said that if I needed it still when I did get pregnant that’s cool. Fast forward to February this year, I get pregnant!!! We didn’t really start trying till December. Call my dr and she is OMG WE HAVE TO GET U OFF THE LEXAPRO. I panic. Girl that is not what you said last time we talked about it!!! Lexapro has been the first med that actually helped and manages my anxiety. She’s had me tapering off it for 2 weeks and I’m down to 5 mg and feeling miserable. Her nurse called me yesterday and I told her I’ve been basically dying and all she said was hopefully it gets better once I’m completely off it. My midwife said they don’t mess with outside meds and my primary doc has to be the one in charge of this. I’m feeling SO FRUSTRATED y’all. I’ve read and heard it’s kind of a 50/50 take a chance type deal because being stressed and panicking all the time is equally bad for baby. Does anyone have any advice or gone through something similar? I’m debating going to a psychiatrist again but I don’t really want to be taking off even more work for MORE doctors appointments right now, ya know?? Just looking for some advice or encouragement❣️