50 day cycles to 30 days in one month?

We are currently ttc #2. With my first I came off the pill and it took 4 cycles to get my BFP. Each cycle was anywhere from 43-61 days long and it was hard for me to understand my body and know for sure when I was ovulating. Ive had 5 cycles since stopping breastfeeding and they were all long but the last 3 were 50 days, 50 days and 47 days so not as unpredictable. I really started to get in tune with my body, see the signs I am ovulating and understand that a 50ish day cycle is my norm. All the sudden this cycle I am on cd 16 and it's my 3rd day of watery cm and other symptoms I typically get around ovulation. I typically have a surge around this time and show symptoms of ovulation but my cm never stays watery this long this early. Anybody else's cycle go from long to around 30 days just like that?