Iā€™ve noticed my fiancĆ© seems different since we had our baby. This is my first and his second child. We are 22 and 24. Money is tight. I know Iā€™ve been struggling and I express this to him but in typical man style he isnā€™t one to speak up about his feelings.

He seems off. Iā€™ve been watching him and I feel like heā€™s miserable. Earlier tonight he held our baby while i made a bottle and she was screaming. He made a few attempts to comfort her and then just laid her on the bed in front of him and put his head in his hands. I went in there to take her and he told me he had it but he didnā€™t look okay. I didnā€™t push it and went back out of the room. I see this kind of behavior a lot and it concerns me. If heā€™d been making the bottle I wouldā€™ve been talking to her, rocking her, walking around with her, anything to comfort her until the bottle was ready. He always seems exasperated and gives up easily.

Sometimes when I ask if he wants to hold her he just shrugs and says sheā€™ll cry if he does. Which isnā€™t necessarily true. She loves her daddy. Heā€™s the only one that can make her smile. She cries when I hold her sometimes too. Difference is I try harder to comfort her and donā€™t get as frustrated as he does.

Iā€™ve been trying to be extra sweet and supportive to help him. I ask if how heā€™s feeling all the time and donā€™t get much of a response. I try to be sure and ask about his day when he gets home every day so if he needs to talk he can. He wonā€™t offer up any information without me asking. It seems like he doesnā€™t want to be home. He complains that he doesnā€™t get to go out and do his hobbies but neither do I. I rarely get to leave the house.

Iā€™m not sure what to do to help him or what to say to him about this. I want him to talk to me but Iā€™m not sure how to get him to. His behavior is so off and i donā€™t know what to do. Iā€™m so worried about him and our relationship. Sometimes I wonder if he doesnā€™t want our baby at all and it hurts. It seems like he gets mad at her for crying a lot but thatā€™s just what babies do. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Someone please help me. How can I get him to talk to me...? Iā€™m considering getting him to go hiking with me and trying to start a serious conversation with him about it but I donā€™t know how to approach it and donā€™t want him to feel ambushed.