Single mom now

mom of one girl

My ex and I had been together since May of last year and I got pregnant in mid August and found out on Labor Day. We lived together from June to October and then things happened and we had left my parents house and moved in with a friend. In between September and October he lost 5 family members right after we found out I was pregnant. He took to grieving and I was there to comfort him when he’d let me on top of dealing with all the new changes my body was going through. So now that we’ve been living separately since November he’s been distancing himself even more along with not wanting to spend anytime together. When we first got together he didn’t have a job and had gotten on in December. I help to support the both of us but when I got fired from my job in the beginning of February he said he’d help and then took back his statement because he was tired of dealing with my emotions and pregnancy hormones. Then told me we should take a break from our relationship and be together without the relationship part and that he would have sex with anybody else because he wants ya to work out it’s just my pregnancy hormones that he can’t take. So I took a day and thought about it and I came to the conclusion that if you can’t be there for somebody when they need you the most then they don’t deserve you anytime even through the good and then I found messages on his phone of girls flirting with him and he was like yeah so. So I told him to fuck off that were over if he can’t support me and love me through the bad but be okay with flirting with other girls then I don’t need him now or to support our daughter later.

I’m alone now. I need this 10 weeks or so to fly by because I need my little girl here I need her to be the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

Does this make me wrong???