My toddler used to go to bed without a problem, she recently turned two and for the past couple months she SCREAMS when its time to take a nap. she has taken a nap every day since birth, I put her down to nap at about 11:30 every day. But she absolutely refuses anymore. It ranges from a bunch of excuses like she doesn’t want Her paci or she wants her shoes on to random things. Most of the time she will cry for a good 30 minutes before I give up and decide she’s not gonna take a nap. At night it is the same thing. We always watch and episode or two or Sesame Street, make sure her tummy is full and then we go to bed. SHES SCREAMS. Nothing I try works. I hate letting her cry it out but extending her bedtime hasn’t helped either. I jut need to know what to do😭 she shares a room with her twin sister who is perfectly fine with going to bed so it’s not like she’s alone.