In need of some love and encouragment


So, first off no one knows that hubby and I are ttc'ing currently and it's killing me not to be able to talk about my process or vent my feelings. I am currently in my TWW! I got a pos OPK Monday, and decided to take my originally scheduled Ovidrel Tuesday. DH and I had intercourse Monday, Tuesday, and last night. Today I am feeling pain in my right ovary which online research suggests is a good thing. I really just want this to work out, we've been TTC for so many years and with everything that I've been through I have faith that at this point in my life I'd be a better mother than I would have been in my past. I just wish I could get my mind off of the wait for the next two weeks. Thank you, if you stuck around and read all of this. I just really need some support right now. 💖🙏🏾 Thanks again 😘