Please Introduce Yourself!

Theresa • Wife, Mommy, Advocate for children with special needs. “Down Syndrome was an unplanned journey, but we LOVE our tour guide!”

Please introduce yourself and your baby! We can’t wait to see those pics!

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Posted at
I’m Jess, and this is Will. I’m 30, and he is 3 years old. Will is an amazing big brother, very active, and loves playing with friends.


Jess • Apr 5, 2018
Thank you!


Heather • Apr 5, 2018
What a handsome boy!


Theresa • Mar 11, 2018
Welcome Jess and Will!


Posted at
I am Heather and this is Sarah Elizabeth. Sarah was born on January 8, 2018. She was undiagnosed Down Syndrome in utero. When she was born the doctors were acting 'funny' and started asking my husband about our ultrasounds. there was a pediatrician there suddenly and more questions. I just asked when in recovery from my c section if she had down Syndrome. I couldn't think of anything else they might be so concerned over. The pediatrician confirmed it was suspected. We had the cord blood sent away and sure enough it was Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome. Sarah is a very happy baby. She smiles often, rolls to her side, grabs for toys, holds her hands together in front of her, kicks off her feet when held upright, coos and talks, breast and bottle feeds and sleeps well. She is such a blessing and a wonderful little sister for our son James. We are excited for the future and supporting and cheering Sarah on in life.


Theresa • Apr 4, 2018
Welcome Heather and Sarah! I love hearing your story! Our girls will do big things!!!!


Posted at
Hi all! I am Ashley, I’m 27 and my husband is 29. This is our second pregnancy. Our first son, Mason, will be 2 when his extra special baby brother gets here! 💓I am still waiting a couple more days for a 100% diagnosis but I know in my heart that Miles does have Down syndrome. My 20 week anatomy scan showed 3 soft markers, echogenic focus, small nasal bone, and two cysts in the brain ventricles- we did NIPT testing that came back “pos” as well with fetal signals showing signs of a multiply copy of 21. — this brought my PPV value to 1:3 which are about as high as a predictor value goes.We did do an amnio yesterday, I need to be prepared and informed if he does have it. Just our personal choice. My current OB doesn’t have a nicu and if I am considered a high risk pregnancy now, I will be moving my care to someone with a reputable nicu! I’m glad to have found people on here that are going through this journey. 💓I am due December 19th with this little man!


Destiny • Dec 13, 2018
Omg I was also due on Dec 19th! My boy came a bit early though, he wouldn't stop pulling on and squashing his cord and it made his heart rate vary too much so we had an emergency c-section on Nov. 27th. Hope yours decides to stay in for the rest of the ride! Every week counts!


Posted at
I’m Dayna, 21 years old & this is my sweet Harper, 3 months old. She was born in December and she’s my first baby and spoiled to the core 💛


Heather • Apr 5, 2018
Awwww sweetie!


Theresa • Mar 23, 2018
Welcome Dayna and Harper! She is gorgeous!


Posted at
Im 19 my boyfriend is 23 , Benjamin is our first baby.. he was born on Valentines day 2018! he's the best thing that has happened to us!


Heather • Apr 5, 2018
Aww he is adorable!


Theresa • Mar 11, 2018
Welcome Jessica and welcome to the world Benjamin!


Posted at
I’m a 40 year old mama of 3. My kids are 17, 15 and 3.5 months! Our Ava was born with Down Syndrome and she is the biggest blessing ever!!!