Contractions, mucus plug, the end is never coming

Cora • Mom of three💖💖💙 | Licensed Hairdresser🖤

I feel like everyone has had a contraction or two by this point, 38+4, and here I am only 3cm dilated and not feeling anything but the constant dull back ache😒

I also thought maybe I lost my entire mucus plug, but after having my cervix checked twice last night, I don’t think I have because I keep having huge chunks of cervical mucus come out that are blood tinged. I thought I had spotting yesterday as well.

I know every pregnancy is different and everyone’s body works differently, but I’m so tired of feeling like I’m not being pregnant right. I’ve had contractions, like real ones. But they were so weak and barely hurt. I asked a L&D; what I should expect to feel and she said it’ll either be like a really painful cramp or gas pain without the gas. I never really had period cramps so I don’t have much to compare to. I have had gas pains before. After walking for an hour and a half last night, I thought I felt mild contractions again, but they only lasted a few minutes and weren’t painful enough for my OB to want me to stay at L&D.;

I’m just going to stop looking for labor signs. I’m so close to full term and I feel like if I don’t make any progress by Monday, when I am full term (39 Weeks), my OB will discuss my options :/

I really thought I was making progress. I dilated to 3cm pretty quickly. But drinking tea and taking EPO and having sex are way too much work. I can’t keep up 😩