Karmine O


Karmine O. O'Neal is finally here❤️👶🏼🍀 feb.23.18

I went in for a normal weekly check up at 38 weeks an 5 days 

The doctors said he pushed on his cord which in turn caused his heart rate to go down for a second they checked me an found protein in my urine but nothing that would cause anything to be done as an emergency ... they put me on the monitor An saw that he was fine and doing well but still decided to admit me that day (Wednesday February 21,2018) .... doctors decided to induce me bc my I wasn't dilated at all the doctors put a balloon in my cervix An dilated me to 6 cm then I was put on pitocin an I couldn't take it anymore I had to get a epidural an sleep as much as I can ... my body dilated to 7/8 cm an I was contracting but my baby wasn't moving down , doctors wouldn't break my water an I was in so much pain ... my water broke feb 23.18 at 3:15am (2days later) I cried An screamed and told the doctors I needed a c-section until they checked me An told me I was right an I would see my baby boy via c-section at 10:59am I was so happy the pain was over ... when my partner an I Hurd him cry for the first time we cried it was the best sound I've ever Hurd 😊😍