5 weeks


Ok so Wednesday I went into the er because I had a pain in my left abdominal side mind you I have been cramping on and off since I found out I am pregnant and this pregnancy was a Minh after my chemical so I went to the er they did blood work and a ultra sound my hcg levels were 7400 but ultrasound they said they didn’t see anything and said it was ectopic then they had my obgyn read my scans and another ultrasound tech who said they see a tiny spec it’s either ovarian fluid or endometrial pregnancy and want me to come back tomorrow morning a little over 48 hrs to do more blood and another ultrasound if my levels increase and that spec have grew then it is the baby and a healthy pregnancy but if my levels stay the same or don’t increase and that spec doesn’t increase in size I’m miscarrying anyone have a similar story please share I’m trying to hold on to that spec they seen and hoping it was to early to really determine