5’9 and 264 lbs -EMBARRASSING


Hey y’all i just joined the group. I’m currently 5’9 and 264 pounds. I have one child but wanting another and I’m also about to turn 30. So i decided its time to try to get my weight under control. My man is a little overweight as well and we decided to start this journey together but I’m getting discouraged. It’s been 2 weeks and i haven’t lost a thing just my sanity. My man on the other hand is down 15 pounds and keeps getting sexier and sexier. I can’t help but feel like complete crap about it. He’s gaining confidence and I’m so happy for him, really, because i know he struggles with body image as well. I need help!!!! I just got some Liposcene diet pills, b12 patches and trying to put a schedule together for me to workout at least 30 minutes a day and close my rings out on my watch. What has helped you?! I want to lose it fast and i know it’s not healthily but i just want to feel like his equal again and feel as good as he is! Any tips would be appreciated!