feeling unsure


So I was at a music festival over the weekend, and, as per usual, I made a friend with the people sitting next to me(for the purpose of this story let's call her, L) . Now my family I was with wanted to drink so I said I would drive. Anyway as the day went on L made friends with the other people around us. One of the friends she made was this guy who was, according to her a gentleman, and her drinking buddy, let's call him S. So apparently throughout the day I had caught his attention and, me thinking he was just wanting us, my family and I, to join in, kept saying I must dance. (Now I don't like being put on the spot, I don't like being grabbed and manhandled and I'm not a very sociable person outside of my comfort zone. But for 2018 I decided that I would try and put myself out there.) and the 3rd last act, my sister and I were dancing about and having fun and he kept trying to involve himself. During the second last act, my aunt encouraged me to go dance with his friend thinking he was just wanting to include me since it was clear the age gap between my sister and I. But as previously stated I don't like being the center of attention and it was almost like he was accusing me of faking being shy because I was with his friend. Again I had just met this guy. Anyway he said he was interested and asked if I was seeing one and I was honest and said not at the moment and he asked for my number, now I wasn't going to give it but that stupid little voice at the back of my head kept saying "put yourself out there" so I gave him my number but also told him that I wasn't looking for anything . After the 2nd last set he and his friends packed up to leave. So he came to say bye since we were staying until the very end. I politely hugged him and he kissed my cheek and as I was about to pull away he tried to kiss me. Like hello! Now I swiftly moved my head and said no. I mean I literally just met this guy's. He phoned me today, Wednesday, to find out when we can meet again but I don't think I want anything to do with him. Even though I know we live in the same suburbs. I realize that alcohol probably played a role in him grabbing on me and trying to kiss me but as someone who doesn't drink and who doesn't even like socializing I'm feeling unsure. Am being being hasty to wanting to put an end to this or do I have a romanticized idea of how this should happen?